A) International

1. English

a) Book

[97/c] Transport Law in Turkey, [Originally published as a monograph as part of: FRANK HENDRICKX (General Ed.), ERIC VAN HOOYDONK (Volume Ed.), International Encyclopaedia of Laws / Transport Law], 3rd Edition, Wolters Kluwer, ISBN 978-94-035-4354-3 (e-Book: 978-94-035-4974-3), Alphen aan den Rijn / The Netherlands 2022, 313 pp. [Eds. jointly with DUYGU DAMAR].

[97/b] Transport Law in Turkey, (Originally published as a monograph as part of: ROGER BLANPAIN / FRANK HENDRICKX [General Eds.], ERIC VAN HOOYDONK [Volume Ed.], International Encyclopaedia of Laws / Transport Law), 2nd Edition, Wolters Kluwer, ISBN 978-90-411-8271-5 (e-Book: 978-90-411-8300-2), Alphen aan den Rijn / The Netherlands 2016, 295 pp. [Eds. jointly with DUYGU DAMAR].

[97/a] Transport Law in Turkey, (Originally published as a monograph as part of: ROGER BLANPAIN [General Ed.], MARC HUYBRECHTS/ ERIC VAN HOOYDONK [Volume Eds.], International Encyclopaedia of Laws / Transport Law), 1st Edition, Wolters Kluwer, ISBN 978-90-411-4729-5, Alphen aan den Rijn / The Netherlands 2013, 287 pp. [Eds. jointly with DUYGU DAMAR].


b) Book Chapters

[96] New Turkish Law on Ship Finance, in: ORESTIS SCHINAS / CARSTEN GRAU / MAX JOHNS (Eds.), HSBA Handbook on Ship Finance, (Published by: Hamburg School of Business Administration, the German Shipowners’ Association [VDR] and L2C), Springer, ISBN 978-3-662-43409-3 / 978-3-662-43410-9 (eBook), Berlin / Heidelberg 2015, Chapter 12, pp. 201-227.

[95] (Maritime Law in) Turkey, in: HASSANİA CHERKAOUI, Le Droit Maritime Marocain et comparé, LGDJ, ISBN 978-2-275-02894-1, Paris 10/2014, pp. 575-599.

N.B.: This Chapter reflects the legal position as at 30/10/2009, on which date the Chapter was delivered to the Editor.

[94] Construction Problems in the Rotterdam Rules regarding the Identity of the Carrier, in: M. DENİZ GUNER-OZBEK (Ed.), The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea - An Appraisal of the “Rotterdam Rules”, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-19649-2, Berlin / Heidelberg 2011, Chapter 6, pp. 155-199 (jointly with CUNEYT SUZEL).

N.B.: Extended version of a paper submitted on 6/5/2010 at the Conference regarding the “Rotterdam Rules”, organised on 6-7/5/2010 by the Koç University, Faculty of Law, Dr. Nusret-Semahat Arsel Research Center for International Business Law, in Istanbul.

[93] The Enactment of The “Hague Rules” in Turkey, in: KRIS BERNAUW et al. (Eds.) Free On Board - Liber Amicorum Marc A. Huybrechts, Intersentia, ISBN 978-94-000-0181-7, Antwerpen / Cambridge, 2011, pp. 1-22.

[92] National Summary: Turkey, in: WILLIAM TETLEY, Marine Cargo Claims, Volume 2, 4th edition, Editions Y. BLAIS, ISBN 978-2-89635-126-8, Montreal 2008, pp. 2587-2591.

[91] Legislación, Jurisprudencia y Bibliografía en Derecho Marítimo Turco 2004-2006, in: IGNACIO ARROYO (ed.), Anuario de Derecho Maritimo 2007, Vol. XXIV, pp. 479-494.

N.B.: This paper was written in English and translated into Spanish by DANIEL BOYERAS SCHUMANN.

[90] Maritime Liens: Turkey, in: WILLIAM TETLEY, Maritime Liens and Claims, 2nd edition, International Shipping Publications BLAIS, ISBN 2-89451-227-9, Montreal 1998, pp. 1392-1394.


c) Papers

[89] Construction Problems in The Rotterdam Rules regarding the Performing and Maritime Performing Parties, in: Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Volume: 41, No. 4, October, 2010, ISSN 0022-2410, pp. 469-497 (Social Sciences Citation Index - “SSCI”).

N.B.: The errors that were proven in this paper have since been corrected by the United Nations by way of a special procedure; as for detailed information see MICHAEL F. STURLEY, Amending the Rotterdam Rules, (2012) 18 Journal of International Maritime Law pp. 423-432, in particular fn. 31 and p. 431 text to fn. 65-66.

[88] Introduction to the Turkish Law of Ship Arrest, in: [1998] The International Journal of Shipping Law, LLP Reference Publishing London, ISSN 1359-7701, pp. 144-150.

[87] Turkey tops litigant list, in: Lloyd’s List (London) 15/4/1998, p. 10.


2. German

a) Book

[86] Liegezeit und Liegegeld im Seerecht - Einordnung in das System des deutschen Privatrechts mit rechtsvergleichenden Hinweisen auf das englische und türkische Recht, Dissertation Hamburg 1999, Schriften zum Seehandelsrecht Band 10, LIT Verlag, ISBN: 3-8258-4383-1, Hamburg 2000, XLVIII + 354 pp. (Ph. D. Thesis).

N.B.: The conclusions reached in this Ph.D. thesis have been implemented in Arts. 1142, 1152-1162, 1166, 1168-1174 of the new Turkish Commercial Code.


b) Book Chapters

[85] Länderbericht: Türkei, in: KARL-HEINZ THUME (Hrsg.), CMR - Übereinkommen über den Beförderungsvertrag im internationalen Straßengüterverkehr, Kommentar, 3. Auflage, Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH R&W, ISBN: 978-3-8005-1511-0, Frankfurt/Main 2013, pp. 1219-1230 (jointly with BURCU BİLGİN).

[84] Reform des Seehandelsrechts im Entwurf des Türkischen Handelsgesetzbuchs, in: YEŞİM M. ATAMER / KLAUS J. HOPT (Eds.), Kompatibilität des türkischen und europäischen Wirtschaftsrechts - Der neue türkische HGB-Entwurf und benachbarte Rechtsgebiete, Mohr Siebeck, ISBN 978-3-16-150037-4, Tübingen 2009, pp. 91-114.

N.B.: Extended version of a paper submitted on 14/12/2007 at the Conference jointly organised by the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht and the Istanbul Bilgi University, in Istanbul.

[83] Aktuelle Probleme aus der türkischen Praxis zur internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, in: Deutsch-Türkische Juristenvereinigung e.V. (Hrsg.), Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und steuerrechtliche Aspekte des ausländischen Kapitals in der Türkei, Seminar zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Tuğrul Ansay, Berlin 2003, pp. 57-74 (jointly with MAHMUT KARAMAN, FEYZİ ERÇİN and BURCU ÇELİKÇAPA [BİLGİN])

N.B.: As for information about the event, where this paper was presented, see: Informationsbrief der Deutsch-Türkischen Juristenvereinigung Nr. 2/2001, p. 30.

[82] Darstellung des innerstaatlichen Rechts des Straßentransports und der Spedition -  Türkei, in: ROLF HERBER / HENNING PIPER, CMR - Internationales Straßentransportrecht, München 1996, pp. 717-740.

N.B.: With the kind permission of HERBER, also published in: Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul 1996, Volume: XXX, No.: 46, pp. 56-73.


c) Papers

[81] Das neue türkische Handelsgesetzbuch, in: Transportrecht 2011, No. 3, Wolters Kluwer, ISSN: 0174-559 X, pp. 104-105.

[80] Reform des türkischen Transport- und Seefrachtrechts, in: Transportrecht 2010, No. 2, Wolters Kluwer, ISSN: 0174-559 X, pp. 50-61.

N.B. (1): This paper has been cited and followed in the judgement of the German Federal Supreme Court (“Bundesgerichtshof”) dated 15/12/2011, no. I ZR 12/11, in: Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Zivilsachen (“BGHZ”) Volume: 192, pp. 118-131, Rn. 37.

N.B. (2): Extended version of a paper submitted on 5/11/2009 at the Symposium organised by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transportrecht in Leipzig.

[79] Ursprung und historischer Normzweck des Schiffsgläubigerrechts, in: Schriften des Deutschen Vereins für Internationales Seerecht, Reihe A-97, Hamburg 2003.

N.B.: Extended version of a paper submitted on 29/10/2002 at the Conference organised by the Deutscher Verein für Internationales Seerecht in Hamburg; up-dated version published in infra no. [71].

[78] Anmerkung zu LG Beyoğlu v. 8.7.1995 (1995/355), in: Versicherungsrecht Beilage Ausland, Karlsruhe, ISSN: 0342-2429, 1996, p. 64.


B) Domestic

1. Non-Turkish

a) English

[77] New Turkish Law of Ship Mortgages and Enforcement, in: Turkish Maritime Law Association / Deutscher Verein für Internationales Seerecht (Eds.), Recent Developments in Maritime Law, Istanbul 2012, pp. 75-93.

N.B.: Extended version of a paper submitted on 6/10/2011 at the Seminar on “Current Developments in Maritime Law” organised jointly by the Deutscher Verein für Internationales Seerecht and the Turkish Maritime Law Association at the Istanbul Commerce University.

[76] Sources of Roman Maritime Law in the Digest, in: Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal, Ankara, cited in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals] 2010, Volume: XXVI, Issue: 4, pp. 63-132.

→ N.B.: A shortened and updated Turkish translation of this paper is published as infra no. [59].

[75] The CMI/IACS Initiative to Unify Rules on the Liability of Classification Societies, in: Prof. Dr. Uğur Alacakaptan’a Armağan, Volume: 2, Istanbul 2008, pp. 71-85 (jointly with DUYGU DAMAR).

N.B.: Extended version of a joint paper submitted to the Seminar on Comparative and Community Law Regarding Liability of Classification Societies, organised on 24-26/11/2006 by the Turkish Prime Ministry, Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs, in Istanbul.


b) German

[74] Geschichtliche Grundlagen und gesetzliche Neugestaltung des Schiffsgläubigerrechts, in: Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul 2005, Volume: XXXVII, No.: 54, pp. 267-322.

N.B.: Reference is made to supra no. [76].


2. Turkish

a) Books

[73/b] Deniz Ticareti Hukuku, Cilt IV: Deniz İcra Hukuku, 2. Bası, [“Maritime Law, Volume IV: Enforcement of Maritime Claims”, 2nd Edition], (On İki Levha, ISBN: 978-605-7820-08-2), İstanbul 7/2019, XLII + 420 s.

[73/a] Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarısına göre Deniz Hukukunda Cebrî İcra [“Enforcement of Maritime Claims According to the Draft Turkish Commercial Code”], (Arıkan, ISBN: 975-6145-91-9), Istanbul 2/2006, XLIV + 438 pp.

→ N.B.: Thesis submitted in Turkish to qualify as an Associate Professor; the majority of suggestions listed in the final chapter (§ 14) of this work have been adopted by the Committe of Justice of the Turkish Parliament, and been implemented in the new Turkish Commercial Code no. 6102.

[72] Deniz Ticareti Hukuku, Cilt II: Gemilerin Eşya Hukuku, 1. Fasikül: Giriş - Temel Kavramlar - Zilyetlik - Kanuni Rehin Hakları ["Maritime Law, Volume II: The Law of Real Rights on Ships, 1st Delivery: Introduction - Basic Terms - Possession - Maritime Liens and Statutory Mortgages"], (On İki Levha, ISBN: 978-605-152-914-1), İstanbul 6/2018, XXXIII + 251 pp.

[71] Deniz Ticareti Hukuku, Cilt I [“Maritime Law, Volume I”], (On İki Levha, ISBN: 978-605-152-560-0), Istanbul 7/2017, CVII + 887 pp.

[70] Yeni Deniz Ticareti Hukuku’nun Kaynakları, Cilt I: Milletlerarası Sözleşmeler ve Açıklamalı Çevirileri, Bibliyografya, Mahkeme Kararları [“Sources and Materials Regarding The New Turkish Maritime Law, Volume I: International Conventions and Annotated Translations, Bibliography, Court Decisions”], (XII Levha, ISBN: 978-605-152-001-8), Istanbul 2013, XXIII + 1205 pp. (Eds. jointly with CUNEYT SUZEL).

[69] Gemi ve Uçak İpoteğinin Hukuksal Temelleri [“Legal Principles of Ship and Aircraft Mortgages”], (XII Levha, ISBN: 978-605-5373-88-7), Istanbul 7/2012, LXXIV + 563 pp.

N.B.: Thesis submitted in Turkish to obtain tenure as a Professor of Law at the Istanbul University.


b) Papers

(Titles given only in English translations)

[68] "History of Turkey’s Accession to the COLREG and the Value of the Turkish Regulation", DEHUKAM Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal published by DEHUKAM] 2020 (Published: 5/2021), Volume: 3, Issue: 2, pp. 485-532.

N.B.: Extended and updated version of a paper submitted on 1/7/2020 at the “Cabotage, Blue Homeland and Turkish Shipping” event organised online by the Istanbul Bar Association (Center for Research on the Republic, Commission on Transport and Logistics Law, Maritime Law Commission).

[67] "Additional Period of 90 Days for Claims Arising from the Loss of, Damage to and Delay of the Cargo", Deniz Ticareti Hukukunda Yeni Sorunlar Sempozyumu I (15/12/2018), Ed. Cüneyt Süzel, Istanbul 3/2019, pp. 13-37.

[66] "Retrospective Insurance", Prof. Dr. Sabih Arkan'a Armağan, Istanbul 1/2019, pp. 223-243.

[65] “Reply to “A Criticism On Article 1352 Of The New Turkish Commercial Code Regarding Maritime Claims”", in: Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal, Ankara, cited in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals] 2018, Volume: XXXIV, Issue: 3, pp. 315-321.

[64] "The Impact of the Provisions on Group of Companies on Maritime and Insurance Law", Karşılaştırmalı Şirketler Topluluğu Hukuku - 80. Yaş Gününde Prof. Dr. Ünal Tekinalp'e Saygı Konferansı, Istanbul 8/2018, pp. 151-169.

→ N.B.: Paper submitted on 9/10/2015 at the Conference in Honour of Prof. Dr. Ünal Tekinalp's 80th Birthday organised by Istanbul Bilgi University under the title "Comparative Law of Group of Companies".

[63] "The Shipyard's Statutory Mortgage in Comparison to the Builder's Mortgage", Türkiye İş Bankası and Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü (Publishers), Prof. Dr. Seza Reisoğlu Armağanı, Ankara 12/2016, pp. 559-616.

[62] “Legislative History and Sources of the Provisions on “Registries for Ship, Ships Under Construction and Aircraft”", Türkiye İş Bankası Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü 60. Yıl Armağanı, Ankara 2015, pp. 275-339.

[61]Provisions on Maritime Law in the Digesta”, in: Prof. Dr. Hasan Erman’a Armağan, Istanbul 2015, pp. 89-137.

→ N.B.: As for the English original version of this paper see supra no. [73].

[60]Sources of the Provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code regarding the “Captain and the Crew”, and Problems of Jurisdiction - Part 2”, in: Prof. Dr. Aydın Zevkliler’e Armağan, Yaşar University Electronic Journal, Volume 8, Special Issue - December 2013, ISSN: 1305-9770, pp. 405-485.

[59]Review of Controversial Maritime Law Decisions In Accordance with The New Turkish Commercial Code”, in: XXVI. Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu [XXVIth Symposium on Commercial Law and the Decisions by the Court of Cassation] (14/12/2012), Ankara 2013, pp. 211-257 (pp. 261-273: discussions).

[58]Mortgage, Usufruct, Bareboat Charter and Financial Leasing of Ships under New Turkish Law”, in: Deniz Hukuku Derneği, Sigorta Hukuku Türk Derneği, İstanbul Barosu Sigorta Hukuku Komisyonu (Eds.), Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nda Deniz Sigortaları Sempozyumu (23/3/2012), Istanbul 2012, pp. 47-96.

[57]Legislative History and Sources of the Provisions on “Ownership and Co-ownership in Ships and Ships under Construction”, in: Prof. Dr. Belgin Erdoğmuş’a Armağan, Istanbul 2011, pp. 401-463.

[56]Incorporation, FIOST and Arbitration London Clauses under new Turkish Law - Including a Review of recent Supreme Court Decisions”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] Volume: 11, Issue: 1-4, pp. 241-342.

N.B.: This paper brings together three different presentations submitted on three separate functions, which were held on 20/3/2010, 13/1/2011 and 16/6/2011, organised by the Istanbul Bar Association in conjunction with the Maritime Law Association and several Universities.

[55]Introduction to “Non-Life Insurance” According to the New Turkish Commercial Code”, in: Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal, Ankara, cited in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals] 2011, Volume: XXVII, Issue: 1, pp. 21-106.

N.B. (1): The information offered in this paper in respect of the “direct action against a liability insurer” has been considered in the English High Court (Queen’s Bench Division) decision of Shipowners’ Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association (Luxembourg) v Containerships Denizcilik Nakliyat ve Ticaret A.Ş. (The “Yusuf Çepnioğlu”) [2015] EWHC 258 (Comm).

N.B.(2): Extended version of a paper submitted on 18/3/2010 at the Conference on “Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarısı’nın Sigorta Hukukuna İlişkin Hükümleri” [Insurance Law According To The Draft Turkish Commercial Code] organised by the Koç University, Faculty of Law, Dr. Nusret-Semahat Arsel Research Center for International Business Law, in Istanbul.

[54]Sources of the Provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code regarding the Captain and the Crew, and Problems of Jurisdiction”, in: İş Dünyası ve Hukuk - Prof. Dr. Tankut Centel’e Armağan, Istanbul 2011, pp. 863-906.

[53]Legislative History, Sources and Harmonisation Problems of the Provisions on Ship Mortgages” in: Prof. Dr. Rona Serozan’a Armağan, Volume 1, Istanbul 2010, pp. 249-315.

[52]The Home Port Log: Legislative Purpose, Scope of Application and Impact on Private Law Provisions”, in: Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal, Ankara, cited in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals] 2009, Volume: XXV, Issue: 4, pp. 301-360.

[51]Current Problems and Developments in Maritime Law and Marine Insurance, in the Light of Decisions by the Court of Cassation”, in: XXIII. Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu [XXIIIth Symposium on Commercial Law and the Decisions by the Court of Cassation] (12/6/2009), Ankara 2009, pp. 165-274.

N.B.: Also submitted on 3/7/2009 at the Conference jointly organised by the Turkish Maritime Law Association and Istanbul Bilgi University, in Istanbul.

[50]Scope of Application and Material Rules on Flagging and Registration of Ships in German-Turkish Law”, in: Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal, Ankara, cited in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals] 2009, Volume: XXV, Issue: 1, pp. 99-201.

[49]Carriage of Passengers and Their Luggage by Sea According to the 2002 Athens Convention and the Draft Turkish Commercial Code”, in: Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal, Ankara, cited in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals] 2008, Volume: XXIV, Issue: 3, pp. 103-213.

[48]Salvage According To The 1989 London Convention and The Draft Turkish Commercial Code”, in: Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Ülgen’e Armağan, Volume: 1, Istanbul 2007, pp. 807-890.

[47]Drafting History of the General Conditions on Professional Liability Insurance”, in: Maltepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 2007, Issue: 1, pp. 313-342.

[46]Sources of The Marine Insurance Provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code”, in: Prof. Dr. Ergon A. Çetingil ve Prof. Dr. Rayegân Kender’e 50. Birlikte Çalışma Yılı Armağanı, Istanbul 2007, pp. 314-329.

[45]Collision According to The 1910 Brussels Convention and The Draft Turkish Commercial Code”, in: Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni [Public and Private International Law Bulletin, published by the Research Center of International Law and International Relations, İstanbul University, Faculty of Law] 2004 (published in: January 2006), Year: 24, Issue: 1-2, pp. 175-210.

N.B.: Extended version of a paper submitted on 12/6/2004 at the Symposium on “Deniz Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları” [Maritime Law and Supreme Court Decisions] jointly organised by the Turkish Maritime Law Association and Yeditepe University, in Istanbul.

[44]Sources of The Insurance Law Provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code (excluding Marine Insurance)”, in: Sigorta Hukuku Dergisi [Insurance Law Journal, published by the Turkish Insurance Law Association, Istanbul] 2005, Issue: 1, pp. 137-155 (jointly with YALÇIN TOSUN).

[43]The Law Applicable to Rights in Rem and to the Enforcement of Claims on Ships”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 2001-2002 (published: June 2004), Year: 6-7, Issue: 1-4, pp. 75-90.

N.B.: Extended version of a paper submitted on 14/6/2003 at the Symposium on “Deniz Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları” [Maritime Law and Supreme Court Decisions] jointly organised by the Turkish Maritime Law Association and Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Shipping.

[42]Whether the Provisions of The 1924 Brussels Convention have been incorporated verbatim into the Turkish Commercial Court”, in: Gündüz Aybay Armağanı, Istanbul 2004, pp. 179-202.

N.B.: The conclusions of this paper have been implemented in the new Turkish Commercial Code no. 6102 and the official Parliamentary Reasons.

[41]Comments on the Proposed Reform of the Code of Private International and Procedural Law”, in: Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni [Public and Private International Law Bulletin, published by the Research Center of International Law and International Relations, Istanbul University, Law School] 2003, Year: 23, Issue: 1-2, pp. 89-113.

N.B.: The conclusions of this paper have been partly implemented in the new Turkish Code of International Private and Procedural Law no. 5718.

[40]A Reasoned Proposal for a Draft Act on The Implementation of the 1976 LLMC and the 1992 CLC/FUND”, in: Bilgi Toplumunda Hukuk - Prof. Dr. Ünal Tekinalp’e Armağan, Volume: 1, Istanbul 2003, pp. 849-905.

N.B.: The draft provisions and reasons suggested in this paper have been implemented in the new Turkish Commercial Code no. 6102 and the official Parliamentary Reasons.

[39]Legislative History and Application of the Articles 867-871 of the Turkish Commercial Court to Ship Sale & Purchase Agreements”, in: Prof. Dr. Turgut Kalpsüz’e Armağan, Ankara 2003, pp. 357-389.

[38]Per-Package-Limitation and The 1924 Brussels Convention”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 2000 (published: October 2002), Year: 5, Issue: 1-4, pp. 57-94.

[37]Enforcement of Maritime Liens on Ship and Cargo”, in: XIV. Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu [XIVth Symposium on Commercial Law and the Decisions by the Court of Cassation] (4-5/4/1997), Ankara 1997, pp. 205-254 (pp. 255-299: decisions prepared for publication; pp. 300-314: discussions).

N.B.: The draft provisions and reasons suggested in this paper have been implemented in Art. 1353, 1366, 1377-1381 and 1398-1400 of the new Turkish Commercial Code no. 6102 and the official Parliamentary Reasons.

[36]Legislative History and Practical Application of the Provisions on the Arrest of Ships”, in: İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası [Journal of Istanbul University, Law School] 1997, Volume: LV, Issue: 3, pp. 279-337.

N.B.: The draft provisions and reasons suggested in this paper have been implemented in Art. 1353, 1366-1368 of the new Turkish Commercial Code no. 6102 and the official Parliamentary Reasons.

[35]The Extinction Period for Cargo Claims Against The Carrier (Article 1067 of the Turkish Commercial Code)”, in: XIII. Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu [XIIIth Symposium on Commercial Law and the Decisions by the Court of Cassation] (5-6/4/1996), Ankara 1996, pp. 117-153.

N.B.: The draft provisions and reasons suggested in this paper have been implemented in Art. 1188-1189 of the new Turkish Commercial Code no. 6102 and the official Parliamentary Reasons.

[34]The Scope of Application and Procedural Assertion of the “Whether In Berth Or Not” Clause - Why The Charterparty Laytime Definitions and English Law are Essential Sources in Demurrage Disputes”, in: İstanbul Barosu Dergisi [Journal of the Istanbul Bar Association] 1991, Volume: 65, Issue: 1-2-3, pp. 60-94.

[33]Per-Package-Limitation of The Carrier’s Liability”, in: VI. Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu [VIth Symposium on Commercial Law and the Decisions by the Court of Cassation] (14-15/4/1989), Ankara 1989, pp. 229-258.

N.B.: Sections V and VI written by ATAMER, and the remaining text prepared by GÜNDÜZ AYBAY.

[32]Gencon 12 - Indemnity Clause”, in: Deniz Ticareti [published by the Chamber of Shipping, Istanbul] 1989, Year: 6, Issue: 26, pp. 64-66.

N.B.: Also published in: Denizatı, (published by the State Maritime Academy Alumni Association, Istanbul) 1989, Issue: 23, pp. 17-19.

[31]Legal Remedies on Marine Pollution From Ships”, in: Denizatı (published by the State Maritime Academy Alumni Association, Istanbul) 1988, Issue: 22, pp. 25-31, 33-40.

N.B.: Text prepared by ATAMER, except section (F) written by GÜNDÜZ AYBAY, and section (B) by MELTEM ANAYAROĞLU.

[30]Clean Bills of Lading and Letters of Indemnity”, in: İstanbul Barosu Dergisi [Journal of the Istanbul Bar Association] 1988, Volume: 62, Issue: 7-8-9, pp. 495-508.

N.B.: The Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals, Chamber 11, has adopted a new line of decisions based on the suggestion made in this paper. The same suggestion has now been adopted in Art. 1241 of the new Turkish Commercial Code no. 6102.

[29]Shipowner’s Liability under the Turkish Commercial Code and the Code of Obligations Compared”, in: Murat Sarıca Armağanı, Istanbul 1988, pp. 197-208.


c) Conference Papers

(Titles given only in English translations)

[28] "Whether Ships May Be Pledged in accordance with the Act no. 6750", Pîrî Reis Üniversitesi (Ed. Sezer Ilgın / Bülent Sözer), 2020 Sonrasında Deniz Ticareti ve Sigorta Hukuku: Olası Sorunlar, İstanbul 2021, pp. 323-351.

N.B.: Extended version of a paper submitted at the online Conference organised on 15-16/4/2021 by the Pîrî Reis University Law School and Maritime Law Implementation and Research Center under the title “Maritime and Insurance Law After 2020: Possible Problems”.

[27] "New Problems regarding the Prescription Period in respect of the Carrier’s Liability", İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 2020 (Published: 5/2021), Volume: 1, Issue: 2, pp. 675-706.

N.B.: Extended and updated version of a paper submitted at the Conference jointly organised on 25-26/10/2019 in memory of Prof. Dr. Ergon A. Çetingil by the Istanbul Bar Association Maritime Law Commission, Istanbul Gedik University, Galatasaray University and Istanbul Bilgi University Marine Law Research Center under the title “Court Decisions in Maritime Law”.

[26] "Legal Liability Under Combined Transports (3/3/2017)", İstanbul Barosu Lojistik ve Taşıma Hukuku Komisyonu, Lojistik, Taşıma Hukuku ve Taşıma Sigortaları Sempozyumları, (İstanbul Barosu, ISBN: 978-605-9446-79-2), Istanbul 6/2018, pp. 268-275 (pp. 276-285: discussions).

[25] "Extinction and Limitation Periods for Indemnity Claims (30/4/2016)", İstanbul Barosu Lojistik ve Taşıma Hukuku Komisyonu, Lojistik, Taşıma Hukuku ve Taşıma Sigortaları Sempozyumları, (İstanbul Barosu, ISBN: 978-605-9446-79-2), Istanbul 6/2018, pp. 42-49 (pp. 50-64: discussions).

[24] "General View on the Provisions Relating to the Enforcement of Maritime Claims (6/5/2017)", İstanbul Barosu Deniz Hukuku Komisyonu, Deniz İcra Hukuku'nun Güncel Sorunları (6-13/5/2017), (İstanbul Barosu, ISBN: 978-605-9446-65-5), Istanbul 2/2018, pp. 16-27 (pp. 27-34: discussions).

[23] "Are the Provisions on General Terms and Conditions Applicable to B-2-B Contracts?", XXX. Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu [XXXth Symposium on Commercial Law and the Decisions by the Court of Cassation(23/12/2016), Ankara 6/2017, pp. 11-37 (pp. 41-49: discussions).

[22] "The Rights on the Insurance Indemnity of Persons Other Than The Insured under Non-Life Insurances", XXIX. Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu [XXIXth Symposium on Commercial Law and the Decisions by the Court of Cassation(25/12/2015), Ankara 11/2016, pp. 89-105 (pp. 109-118: discussions).

[21]Maritime Law Reform According to The New Turkish Commercial Code”, in: Çağ Üniversitesi (ed.), Deniz Hukuku Sempozyumu (24-25/3/2011), Adana 2012, pp. 130-167.

[20]Maritime Law Reform and the Enforcement of Maritime Claims According to The New Turkish Commercial Code”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 2006 (published: October 2011), Year: 11, Issue: 1-4, pp. 115-204.

N.B.: This power point presentation has been submitted at various conferences and seminars held on 10/3/2011, 24-25/3/2011, 7/4/2011, 14/4/2011, 28/4/2011 and 23/6/2011.

[19]The Revision of Maritime and Insurance Law in The Draft Turkish Commercial Code and the likely Impact on the Turkish Economy”, in: İktisadî Araştırmalar Vakfı / Türk Telekom A.Ş. [Eds.], Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu Taslağının Değerlendirilmesi Semineri [Seminar on the Evaluation of The Draft Turkish Commercial Code] (23/11/2007), Istanbul 2007, pp. 37-43.

[18]Evaluation of the General Conditions on Professional Liability Insurance”, in: Türkiye Sigorta ve Reasürans Şirketleri Birliği [Association of Turkish Insurance and Reinsurance Companies], II. Ulusal Sigorta Sempozyumu: Küresel Sigorta Piyasaları ve Türk Sigorta Sektörünün Rekabet Gücü [IInd National Insurance Symposium: Global Insurance Markets and the Turkish Insurance Industry] (16/5/2006), Istanbul 2007, pp. 211-225.

[17]Comments submitted at the Symposium on The Draft Turkish Commercial Code” (28/5/2005), in: Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of the Yeditepe University, Law School) 2005, Volume: II, Issue: 1, pp. 632-634.

[16]Introduction to the Maritime Law Provisions of The Draft Turkish Commercial Code (2), in: Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi, Ağustos 2005, Issue: 4, pp. 40-43.

[15]Provisions Applicable to Disputes Arising From Insurance Agreements”, in: Türkiye Barolar Birliği / TEB Sigorta A.Ş. [Publishers], Türkiye’de Sigorta Hukukunun Sorunları ve Geleceği Sempozyumu [Symposium on the Problems and Future of Insurance Law in Turkey] (19-20/11/2004, Istanbul), Ankara 2005, pp. 109-122 (paper), pp. 149-168 (discussions).

[14]Legal System regarding the Enforcement of Maritime Liens”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 1997, Year: 2, Issue: 4, pp. 21-22.

N.B.: Summary of the paper submitted on 25/10/1997 to the Symposium on “Deniz Hukukunda Rehin Hakları” [Liens in Maritime Law] organized by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, in Istanbul.

[13]Provisions applicable to and Current Problems of the Arrest of Ships”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 1997, Year: 2, Issue: 1, pp. 79-85.

N.B.: Summary of the paper submitted on 13/2/1997 to the Conference organized by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, in Istanbul.


d) Conference Report

(Title given only in English translation)

[12]Report About the Centenary Conference of the Comité Maritime International”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 1997, Year: 2, Issue: 2-3, pp. 91-106.


e) Case Reviews

(Titles given only in English translations)

[11]Comments on the Decision of 30/1/1997 rendered by Chamber 11 of the Court of Cassation [on the "Extinction Period"]”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 2000 (published: October 2002), Year: 5, Issue: 1-4, pp. 315-321.

[10]Comments on the Decision of 31/1/1991 rendered by Chamber 11 of the Court of Cassation [on "Deck Cargo"]”, in: Gündüz Aybay, Deniz Ticaret Hukuku ile ilgili -notlandırılmış- Yargıtay Kararları [Annotated Maritime Law Cases rendered by the Court of Cassation], Istanbul 2000, pp. 216-217.

[9]Comments on the Decision of 6 May 1998 rendered by the United Civil Assembly of the Court of Cassation [on the "Applicability of the Lex Fori to the Enforcement of Maritime Claims"]”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 1998, Year: 3, Issues: 1-2, pp. 89-93.


f) Bibliography

(Titles given only in English translations)

[8/b]Maritime Law Bibliography”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 2003 (published: February 2005), Year: 8, Issues: 1-4, pp. 209-280 (jointly with DUYGU DAMAR ET AL).

→ N.B.: The third version of this Bibliography updated to 16/9/2013 is published in the work listed supra as no. [67] (§ 12 II, pp. 765-934).

[8/a]Maritime Law Bibliography”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 2001-2002, Year: 6-7, Issues: 1-4, pp. 211-282 (jointly with DUYGU DAMAR ET AL).


g) Book Reviews

[7] “1. Theo Langheid / Manfred Wandt: Münchener Kommentar zum Versicherungsvertragsrecht, Band 1-3 mit Nachtrag zu Band 3, München 2009-2011, Verlag C.H. Beck, XXVI+2329 s. / XXIX+1914 s. / LII+924+7 s.; 2. Manfred Wandt: Versicherungsrecht, 5. neu bearbeitete Auflage, Köln 2010, Carl Heymanns Verlag, XXXII+547 s.”, in: Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal, Ankara, cited in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals] 2013, Cilt: XXIX, Sayı: 1, s. 173-183 (jointly with SAMİM ÜNAN and EMİNE YAZICIOĞLU).

[6] “Michael F. Sturley / Tomotaka Fujita / Gertjan van der Ziel: The Rotterdam Rules, (Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2010)”, in: Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal, Ankara, cited in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals] 2011, Volume: XXVII, Issue: 3.

[5] “Hans-Jürgen Puttfarken, Seehandelsrecht, Heidelberg 1997”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Turkish Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 1999, Year: 4, Issue: 1-2, pp. 193-198 (jointly with EMİNE YAZICIOĞLU).

[4] “Muhittin Doğrucu, Deniz Taşımacılığında Kanuni Rehin Hakkı, Istanbul 1997”, in: Deniz Hukuku Dergisi [Maritime Law Journal, published by the Maritime Law Association, Istanbul] 1997, Year: 2, Issue: 1, pp. 57-65.


h)  Translations

[3] Turkish to English: “New Turkish Insurance Contract Law - Free Translation of the Provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code Regarding Insurance Contracts”, in: Turkish Insurance Law Association / AIDA Turkey (ed.), Istanbul 2012 (jointly with SAMİM ÜNAN, HANDAN CACINA, SEÇİL ERBAY and MEHPARE YÜCEL).

[2] English to Turkish: “Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL)”, İngilizce Metin ve Türkçe Çeviri [Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL), English Text with Turkish Translation], in: Turkish Insurance Law Association (ed.), Istanbul 2011 (jointly with SAMİM UNAN).

[1] Turkish to German: “Übersetzung der Artt. 195-209 (“Gesellschaftengruppe”) des Entwurfs eines neuen türkischen Handelsgesetzbuchs”, in: Festschrift für Claus-Wilhelm Canaris zum 70. Geburtstag, Herausgegeben von HELDRICH/PRÖLSS/KOLLER, München 2007, s. 873-880 (jointly with ZEYNEP ÖZTÜRK and BAHAR KESKİN).


i) Extracurricular

(Titles given only in English translations)

- "Schubert's Piano Sonatas", in: Andante (Istanbul), Eylül 2018, Yıl: 15, Sayı: 143 [September 2018, Year: 15, Issue: 143], pp. 56-62.

- “Mahler’s 6th Symphony - A “Tragic” Movement Problem?”, in: Andante (Istanbul), Kasım - Aralık 2006, Yıl: 4, Sayı: 25 [November - December 2006, Year: 4, Issue: 25], pp. 70-74 (jointly with FEYZİ ERCİN).

- “The 9th Symphony in D Major by Mahler”, in: Andante (Istanbul), Kasım - Aralık 2005, Yıl: 3, Sayı: 19 [November - December 2005, Year: 3, Issue: 19], pp. 64-67 (jointly with FEYZİ ERCİN).

- “The 3rd Symphony in D minor by Gustav Mahler”, in: Andante (Istanbul), Kasım - Aralık 2004, Yıl: 2, Sayı: 13 [November - December 2004, Year: 2, Issue: 13], pp. 104-107 (jointly with FEYZİ ERCİN).